The Clerk and Treasurer can be reached to assist you by calling Ĭlerk – 98 – Valdine Erskine for Hall Rental, Elections, Voting and Cemetery information. If you are driving any distance please call first 98. Occasionally the office may be closed on Tuesdays. If you do not have a trash or recycle container please call 98 and one will be provided. The township works hard to promote cleanliness throughout the township and trash and recycling left at the hall causes litter to blow across the road and field. PLEAS E DO NOT LEAVE ANY TRASH OR RECYCLING AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL!! There will no longer be containers to leave either trash or recycling at the hall. Hamilton Township has road side trash pick up and road side recycling pick up. Brush must be bundled, no longer than 4 feet & 2” in diameter, less than 50 pounds, paper bags not plastic.

Republic collects yard waste four days in the Spring and four days in the Fall. One additional bulk item will be accepted per week in addition to the contents of the tote.

Replacement totes must be requested from Republic Services. It is not recommended to leave the blue tote at the road side on non- collection days. The blue tote should be at curbside by 6:30 AM. Collection will occur on Wednesday whenever a holiday falls on Tuesday. Tuesday will continue to be rubbish collection day for Hamilton Township. Included in this price is rubbish and yard waste collection, recycling and a scrap tire collection. Way.The annual contract price for weekly rubbish collection is $154.92. Hamilton Township Council will meet at 6:30 PM Tuesday at the Hamilton Township Library located at 1 Justice Samuel A. Additionally, we are also banning use of marijuana on any public lands – including our parks.” “As we take our first steps in listening to their voices, we do so cautiously by banning retail locations and limiting other types of licenses to a maximum of two and to only certain zones that would be away from our schools, parks, churches, and homes. “Hamiltonians voted overwhelmingly last year to approve adult-use cannabis,” said Mayor Martin. The Township will also ban retail or dispensary locations as well as the use of cannabis on public property – including public parks. To help offset additional law enforcement costs, such as training, Hamilton will charge the maximum permitted fees on any licensed facility. They would be prohibited from establishment within 1,000 feet of a school, and 500 feet of either a childcare center, residential zone, house of worship, or public park. There will be a maximum of two establishments of each permitted type of cannabusiness and would only be permitted in industrial, manufacturing, or research and development zones. The ordinances will set forth the taxation, zoning, and permitted use for cultivation, manufacturing, wholesaling, and distribution cannabusiness. Failure to take action would force a municipality to permit all cannabusiness to operate and would not be able to take any action for five years. Under legalization law, municipalities have until August 21st to take action to either allow, or limit, or ban cannabusiness.

Last year, in a Statewide referendum, Hamilton residents voted in favor of legalizing adult-use cannabis by a 2:1 margin. The ordinances will ban cannabis retail locations in Hamilton, but permit a maximum of two cultivation facilities in certain zones. HAMILTON, NJ – On Tuesday, June 15th, Hamilton Township Mayor Jeff Martin will present three cannabis related ordinances to Council. Hamilton Township Introduces Cannabusiness Ordinances